Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Joseph Smith Memorial Building, aka JSMB

Here is the post I promised to write about the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, also known as the JSMB. This is where Len and I work--on the 3rd floor. It is such a beautiful building to spend our time in each day!

During our last mission, I asked a few of the volunteers who are hostesses on the main floor, if there is a book written about the history of the building. Everyone always said they were not aware of one. Just this week I accidentally found a history and it was published in the September 1993 Ensign. The Ensign is the official magazine published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I should have known there would be something published there. Here is a link to the article. The pictures that are in the article do not do the building justice. I was very disappointed in the pictures but the article is great!

Here are some pictures I have taken. This is a picture of one of the two west entrances.

In the lobby of the building there is a huge statue of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Below is a picture of that statue. It is probably 3x life size.

In the lobby there is also a huge round table. Each month there is a gorgeous centerpiece that has a seasonal theme. It is up the whole month. During our last mission, I tried to get a picture of each month's centerpiece. This time I missed August for some reason! Here is September's.

There is a lovely patio and garden area outside the building on the west side. It is right below my office. This is where we have eaten lunch every day. A perfect spot to enjoy beautiful weather. The last couple of weeks it is mostly in shade at noon and a little chillier than I would like. This desert rat needs to bring a sweater.

There is the bank of elevators on the 3rd floor of the JSMB. I have never been a fan of elevators but these are really nice and I don't mind riding in them.

This is the reception desk that is across from the elevators on the 3rd floor. The nicest senior sister missionaries great those coming off the elevators and they also man the phones from here.

These are the doors that lead in the World Wide Support area. This has become our home away from home.
As we go through these doors, Len works to the right and I work to the left.

Here is my cubicle. It is going to be really hard to go back to using a single computer screen after using a double one for the next year. I probably will hook up my laptop to be my second screen when we return to Tucson. I always thought people were a little nuts who were always taking about the advantages of having two screens. I now heartily agree with them!!!

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