Just east of Temple Square is a giant plaza. It was once part of Main Street but the LDS Church bought the section from the city, took out the street and turned it into a giant pedestrian area with a BEAUTIFUL reflecting pond, walkways, a patio and gardens. The Joseph Smith Memorial Building (JSMB) has two entrances onto the plaza. Just to the east of the plaza are more gardens, the Church Office Building, a huge fountain, the old Administration building, a huge formal garden, the Beehive house and Lion House. This whole area is another 10 acres.
The two sections are affectionately known as "Temple Square campus". Many people think that the young sister missionaries who give tours on Temple Square are part of our mission. They are not--they have their own mission.
The gardens, on the campus, are world famous. They have the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen. When we were on our last mission I was amazed at how beautiful the flowers were from early, early spring until the snow feel and covered up the beautiful pansies that are planted in the fall to be ready for spring. I also learned how I could not be anything but happy as I walked all over and saw the most incredible flowers.
This spring the flowers were more beautiful than anything I could imagine! There are many people who said this was the prettiest spring in many years. Tulips are my favorite flower and there were 40,000 of them. It was like a fairy garden. Underneath Temple Square Campus there are tunnels and parking garages which help keep the soil warmer than normal ground. The flower beds are all planted and prepared in the fall to be ready as soon as the snow melts.
The first flowers that appear are the daffodils and the crocus. The pansies are already up and going, just recovering from being covered with snow all winter. The trees bloom early and they are magnificent!
The following pictures were taken all over "campus". I will post the pictures with no explanation. Remember--they planted 40,000 tulips last fall. That is just one of the MANY flowers.Enjoy the view!
To make the picture bigger just click on it.
Wow! Those flowers are gorgeous!